Peak of the Market Ltd. CEO Pamela Kolochuk is putting focus back on the roots of the nearly 80-year-old organization: growers. "Manitoba vegetable growers are very forward-thinking," she says. Read the full article (PDF)
Happy Holidays from Your Produce Industry Family
Staff from Peak of the Market Ltd. packed up Manitoba potatoes and onions to donate to a variety of important community-service groups.
PEI and British Columbia Put Pressure on Manitoba Potato Supplies
Supplies of Manitoba potatoes are even currently. “Although supplies are down from last year we have plenty of supplies for the Canadian market. We may not be as active in the U.S. market this year but we will still be there for our regular customers,” says Pamela Kolochuk of Peak of the Market...
New Perspective for Peak of the Market Ltd.
As CEO, Asper Alumna, Pamela Kolochuk prioritizes company culture and community contributions As Peak of the Market celebrates its 80th anniversary next year, its new CEO, Asper Alumna, Pamela Kolochuk [BComm(Hons)/02], plans to move the organization into a new era with a focus on inclusivity. “It...